Frequently asked questions

It's only natural to have questions about us and our loans. The stakes are high and your clients have some big decisions to make. That's why we've compiled our most frequently asked questions, to help you and your clients find the answers you need. Prefer to just chat to our team?

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Understanding RedZed

All your questions answered about who we are, what sets us apart, and why you should consider choosing us to support your self-employed clients' aspirations.

RedZed was founded in 2006 with a clear and simple vision to become the preferred lender to Australia’s self-employed. Since then, RedZed has loaned over $9.7 billion to more than 23,000 self-employed Australians via residential, commercial and SMSF finance solutions, empowering small business owners to achieve their personal and business finance goals. With offices in Melbourne and Sydney and business development managers right around the country, RedZed employs more than 130 people nationwide. Since inception we have been committed to supporting the third party broker channel and are here to help you find suitable loan solutions for your self-employed customers.

We are proud to be a privately owned Australian company. All 130+ employees are based in Australia, and we are not owned by any banks or overseas entities. 

No, we are proudly not a bank. We offer lending solutions to customers who generally find it harder to obtain loans through the traditional banking system. We operate in the specialist lending market. 

No, we don't have branches. RedZed operates exclusively through our head office lending managers and our accredited broker partners.

Our loans

The devil is in the details. Fully understanding our loan options will help you guide your self-employed clients, and we're here to help you every step of the way.

RedZed offers a range of loan products secured by either residential or commercial property designed to assist Australia's self-employed. These include residential, commercial, and SMSF loans.  

No, we don't offer unsecured loans like personal loans, or loans that are secured by assets such as a car, truck, caravan or boat. However, your clients can use the equity in their home or commercial property to fund the purchase of these types of assets via a RedZed residential or commercial loan.

No, we don’t offer construction loans or loans where the purpose is to undertake major structural renovations. Loans to renovate kitchens or undertake landscaping are generally acceptable.

RedZed offers competitive interest rates across our entire product range. You can access these in our Product & Rate Guide, or via our Resources page. 

Fees and charges vary depending on the loan taken out. All fees and charges can be found in our Product & Rate Guide

RedZed will consider providing loans to assist with refinancing existing business debt, paying out tax debt or raising working capital. 

Tax debt is very common for those running their own businesses, which is why we provide tax debt funding solutions. For more information, contact your local RedZed BDM or call 1300 722 462.

Our processes

Simple, fast and fair sums up our loan process. We prioritise ease, speed and common sense to ensure you and your clients enjoy a seamless lending experience. Learn more about our processes below. 

There are a number of options available to you.


  1. You can email your documents to
  2. You can apply using LoanApp through your aggregator platform.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your BDM or call 1300 722 462.

This is a challenge as not all businesses are the same. You can download our BAS calculator here or access it through our Resources page to find out the likely income we'd consider based on your client's BAS. Reach out to your BDM if you need further assistance.

Yes. You can learn more about our accreditation criteria and how to begin the accreditation process here.

This is one of our most frequently asked questions. Believe it or not our credit team will take your calls! Whilst they can't always say yes (they will try) they will provide explanations for their decisions so that you can relay the information back to your clients.

Our policies

Interested in our policies? We've included some helpful resources below so you can deep dive to your heart's content! 

Our BDMs are always happy to answer any credit policy questions you may have. Alternatively, you can submit a scenario here, or you can view our Product & Rate Guide here.

  RedZed's privacy & credit reporting policy can be found here.  

Yes. We endeavour to resolve issues as quickly and simply as possible. If you have an issue, please contact us on 1300 722 462 or email us here. You can download a copy of our internal dispute resolution process here


Please note that RedZed is a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). You can find information on the services provided by the credit ombudsman at

Yes, RedZed's whistleblower policy, including how to raise any concerns, can be found here


Did we miss something?

You can always contact your BDM or reach out to our client services team with any additional questions you may have. We would love to hear from you.