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Our security location assessments are based on suburb / town. Max LVRs are dependent on individual circumstances and the nature of the security being offered. If you'd like more information about an individual location, please reach out to your RedZed BDM or call 1300 722 462.
Heard about our broker portal?
It's called Introducer Connect. Log in to check the status of your loan apps, review your portfolio, dive into our Self-Employed Broker Academy, redeem your RedZed Benefits and access all of the resources found on this page.
RedZed identification procedures
Verification of Identity (VOI) optionsRedZed VOI must be completed by an independent third party. RedZed can accept either of the VOI options listed below. Irrespective of the option selected there is no cost to the customer. RedZed will be invoiced and pay for this process to be completed.
You can download a summary of our VOI options here |
Option 1Self-managed fully digital process using a smartphone or tabletEach applicant / guarantor completes the digital OCR Labs VOI process. This digital self-serve process is contactless and does not require a witness. Easy to follow instructions and document uploading combined with fast biometric recognition technology. This process will be initiated by RedZed if the loan is conditionally approved and no alternative VOI method is selected. |
Option 2Visit your local Australia Post branchEach applicant / guarantor visits an Australia Post branch with their original identification documents (e.g. passport, driver licence, Medicare card etc) and completes the RedZed Australia Post Form
In addition to VOI, we need to meet our Know Your Customer (KYC) obligations. This can be done by downloading and arranging for the completion of the Customer Identification Form and obtaining the relevant identification documents from your applicant(s) / guarantor(s). |
Need your identification documents certified?List of acceptable authorised persons to certify identification documents. (Only applicable to the customer verification form. If you are completing the customer identification checklist as a RedZed verification agent completing face-to-face interviews, you will need to sight the originals and provide clear legible copies of those).
Please ensure that the witness certifies that the identification is a true and complete copy. The witness must also provide details of their qualification, contact address and contact phone number (we prefer a stamped version where possible for greater legibility). |
Authority to access applicant’s bank statements
If your applicant would like the ease of providing their bank statements directly to the RedZed credit team as part of the application process they can do so via the service. The applicant can authorise RedZed to have access to their bank statements by clicking here.
Ready to order a property valuation?
Learn the ins and outs of our property valuation process here.